Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

13 June 2013

You Hate It, You Win It... Plus a GIVEAWAY!

I don't win giveaways. 
I don't win on slot machines. 
My teams don't win. 
All I do is lose lose lose.

My mom wins. She is lucky. I won't inherit that luck until, well.... no time soon. 

So a funny thing happened on the way to the forum yesterday.
I won a mother truckin giveaway. 
That is right. I won Brin's giveaway yesterday afternoon.
And what does Sarah win, you ask?
Well if that is not hilarious, then my middle name ain't LeQuisha.

So when Carly from the Pinot Project said...
I of course got to thinking....

Here are a list of things I hate. Now may I please win them? 
Super Bowl XLVIII tickets bore snore
Rangers tickets any game would be terrible to see
Tennessee Football season tickets boo VOLS
Beyonce concert tickets she probably will sweat on you anyways
Airline Miles and what is with airline food?
Cash I'm really more of a debit card girl
All of my pins from this board here i bet they would be too small anyways
A golden ticket to see Willy Wanka i bet the gold makes the chocolate taste terrible
NYC Penthouse who would want to live that high in the air?
An instant calorie remover tool for all my favorite foods i like being heavy
Meet and great with any of the following people would be TERRIBLE:
Will Ferrell 
Zach Galifianakis 
Miranda Lambert
Adam Sandler
Ryan Gossling
Ryan Reylonds
 Sandra Bullock 
AT&T Kid Commercial Guy
Jason Segel 
Geico pig
Jason Sudeikis
Meeting any of them would be terrible. I'm sure they are rude

Ok so that completes that list for today. My email address is so go ahead and alert me to my winnings via email. KTHANKS. 

On to better things. Let's play a game. 
because i'm a Sagittarius / only child, deadly combo that needs to be entertained at all times
Vote for which of my sleepover buddies was the cutest kid
The sleepover buddy with the most votes after one week wins $25 to Sephora
Oh and because I have a money tree in my apartment...
One lucky VOTER will also win $25 to Sephora!

Autumn - The Unreal Life
Chelsea - Crazy Bullies 
Nicole - Treasure Tromp
Vanniee - Viva Beauty 
Erin (Levi!) - Sugar Magnolia
Which Blogger Was the Cutest Kid?


Which Blogger Was the Cutest Kid?

Venus Trapped


  1. Seriously, how do I even pick one??? I have to go with Erin at The Party Girl's Guide because she probably posed for that exact same photo last week.

    1. i am has been over a year since I was last photographed in the nude

    2. Hahaha I had the same thought

  2. Naked baby pic for the win. Hahahahaha!

    1. if i'm not the cutest, I am at least the sluttiest! that helped me out in college.

  3. I am the only one who showed boob!!

  4. Umm pretty sure I just messed that rafflecopter thing up and instead of putting who I voted for I put "im going to leave a comment" whoops lol. I vote for that beautiful child Levi, who has the coolest mom in the world, duh!

  5. This is intense competition! I don't think I'd even vote for me and my top knot.

  6. As always, you make me laugh! Congrats on your win!!!

  7. Bahaha you won a vino to go. How ironic. Don't switch to the dark side please. I need somebody to continue not understanding them with me.

  8. Who did I vote for... I'll narrow it down to two & say her name starts with K. ;)

  9. Omg....I am voting for Steph because that picture is classic. I can't wait until I get to come to the sleepoverrrrrrr!!!!!!

  10. AH this is just so creative and HILARIOUS! My vote is a secret ;) hee hee

  11. I voted for Kenzie, but Autumn was a close second. Such cute pics!

    1. You got something for little girls in shades, huh? That sounds totally creeperish but you get what I'm saying. ;) Thanks lovey!!!!!!!!!

  12. I voted for Steph- because I had that same superman outfit. WIN!

  13. Hahaha I love the guy from the AT&T kid commercials too!! Those commercials always crack me up. :)

  14. Oh my gosh, you love the Geico pig too?!?!?! I just...I can't. He's too cute! And he has TEETH!!

  15. I voted for Erin, though I LOVED Steph and Autumn's too!

  16. haha I voted to Autumn. Her get up is the most funky: leather jacket, sunglasses and a tro-colored cap to boot. Hammer time!

  17. I wish I was a sleepover buddy! I was one adorable kid, don't know what happened though.

    I choooooooooose Jackie

  18. I simply cannot choose that. But my vote is for myself. Whoops

  19. Im dying. these pictures are hilarious. Freaking genius friend for a contest.

  20. Steph! It was a very close race though.

  21. I voted for Vaniee. She was adorable! Too funny that you won those cups.

  22. I voted for Autumn because her outfit is killa.

  23. Erin @ Party Girl's Guide, because took the risk and posed nude and everyone knows that's the fastest track to stardom. But for reals, BEST CONTEST EVER.

  24. I actually got some votes. I'd like to thank my mother for picking out this picture. I freaking love your games, also I love your picture at the top. I feel like we would have been friends as children and possibly made other people's lives more difficult.

  25. Now you can safely do double dutch while sipping wine...on a playground...with children...good luck with that!

  26. Geez, how can you pick one?! There are some cute (and hilarious) pics right here. Narrowed it down to five... then three... and then ended up with Gyps from They Call Me Gypsy. I'm a sucker for big blue eyes....

  27. all the pictures are SOO cute!! but i HAVE to pick Christine - Life with a side of coffee.....BECAUSE she has a lamb chop doll! I had the same one!! and why in the world is she posing with it in her dance picture?!?! lol

    1. Hahaha thanks!! I'm posing with it because it was part of our routine but I don't remember why ha!

  28. I voted for @thejanklife aka Autumn

  29. I voted for Adriana @ Dog Hair is an Accessory !

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. How funny! I voted for Beth at Hang On, Honey!

  32. I wanted to work for three. But picked Patricia cause I've known her the longest

  33. These outfits are out of control. I think I'll have to vote for Autumn.

  34. I loved what you said about winning giveaways! I feel like I'm one click away from my next big haul. Which will be never ;)

  35. The Ninja turtle girl. Love it!
    I laughed so hard when I so the picture of your winnings. So timely considering your post yesterday.

  36. These are all so fabulous! I voted for Hang on Honey- Beth!

  37. I voted for Autumn only because of her choice of clothing! I mean how adorable is she anyways! :)

  38. I voted for Adrianna!!! :) God bless!

  39. I vote for Christine! I mean how cute is that pic with lambchop!!

  40. i vote for Sweet Magnolia, because she has a Gatorade water bottle and those are my favorite things to drink out of ever. way better than that wino to go shit or whatever it was you won...

  41. I went with Adriana because she is adorable!

  42. I voted for Autumn, although Adriana was a close second.. I mean, who doesn't love the TMNT?!

  43. We look awesome! and we're pretty ballsy to show of our throwbacks lol.

  44. Bahahahaha!!! You totally asked for those wine you have to start playing Candy Crush and watch the Bachelor/Bachelorette's every episode. ;)

  45. hahaha this was amaze-balls!! I voted for Kenzie! I love those shades and the colorful car seat!! Muah!

    1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! Thanks, boo. Partyin' like a rockstar since '95. I think I still have those shades somewhere! ;)

  46. I voted for Nicole at Treasure Tromp! Cute pic and I believe I had that jacket also,lol!

  47. I never win things either. Such a bummer sometimes, but whatever. This is suxh a cute little giveaway idea!!! I voted for Gyps!

  48. I voted for Erin and Levi - he is just TOO cute.

  49. Voted for Autumn! Tough choice!

  50. BETH- Hang On, Honey!! So cute!!!

  51. Erin , lol, naked + look = cute

    Jennifer Dysart

  52. Obvi voted for Adriana since anyone who hangs with TMNT is on my team.

  53. If I loved you anymore my heart would explode. SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW HOW I LIVED MY LIFE WITHOUT KNOWING YOU.

  54. I voted for Vanniee...adorable!

  55. gotta go with my girl steph! and it is absurd that you won that wine thing… is this a joke??

  56. I based my vote solely on the Ninja Turtle in Adriana's photo. Because, hello, childhood heroes.

  57. Voted for Steph - Insert Classy Here

  58. I vote for Gyps - They Call Me Gypsy Queen

  59. I voted for Katrina, look at that smile!

  60. I voted for Erin - The Party Girl's Guide!

    stephanie ann

  61. Super hard to choose just one, cause they're ALL so darn adorbs. But I gotta say, I adore Autumn's outfit and pose! Super cuteness.

  62. Steph totally takes my vote on this one solely because of the Tomboy factor. I feel a kinship with anyone who wore boy costumes because I was the same.

  63. I had such a hard time picking but I went with Patricia... just too cute :)


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