3. Dallas Love List - I saw the need for a local, Dallas based instagram account with incredible photography. I knew there was a spot for Dallas Love List to do well, I just didn't know it would take off so quickly.
I've been honest about WHY I started Dallas Love List from the very beginning: free events, free food, free experiences. There have been a few times on VTIM when I went out and requested press passes for Dallas Based events (Example HERE) recapped them, and realized you guys really shouldn't care about Dallas based events. Those of you reading VTIM are all over the country, not just in Dallas. I wanted to go to more events (I bore easily) but didn't want to bombard y'all with stuff that is totally irrelevant.
So, Dallas Love List was born. Careful what you wish for because it's amazing how quickly your schedule can get jam packed. I personally LOVE IT! The more the better.
With that said, I'm always running around like a crazy person. I dress super casual for work (jeans, comfortable top) so when I get up in the morning I'm packing a bag for whatever event I have when I get out of work. Maybe it's a media dinner, craft beer festival, new menu tasting, wine and donut pairing (jk, I don't know if that's a thing but it needs to be), a new liquor reveal.... etc. etc. etc.
As someone who is always running late, the last thing I need in the morning when I'm trying to pack for the rest of the day is to stand around and make an elaborate breakfast. I need fast and easy, think grab and go.
PLEASE tell me you guys have tried at least one of these? My favorite is the Special K Nourish Snack Bars in Caramel Almond Sea Salt but honestly, they are all delicious. I grab one off the top of the fridge (aka- the pantry for those of you like us, who don't have a pantry), toss it in my bag and I'm on my way to sit in the lovely Dallas traffic.
Although the Special K Snack Bars have been out for a while, the Special K Nourish Bites are a totally new launch. New Protein Snack Bites flavors include: Caramel Nut and Peanut Butter Chocolate, plus they also have the new Nourish Snack Bites in the following flavors: Blueberry Almond Quinoa and Dark Chocolate Pistachio!
I LOVE Special K cereal (Chocolatey Delight is my go to when I have a sweet tooth craving) but I can't believe they make these snacks that are also so tasty. Plus, thanks to the real, visible ingredients like quinoa, pistachios, almonds and dark chocolate they're really filling too.
I don't care if you have 8 full time jobs and 6 blogs, a house full of kids or a house full of puppies (invite me over, please??) we are all, simply put, BUSY. Mornings should be easy, they set the entire pace of your day. For more information about Special K’s new Nourish and Protein Snack Bites, or new Snack Bar varieties, visit Special K's website and follow @SpecialKUS on Facebook and Twitter.
Although the Special K Snack Bars have been out for a while, the Special K Nourish Bites are a totally new launch. New Protein Snack Bites flavors include: Caramel Nut and Peanut Butter Chocolate, plus they also have the new Nourish Snack Bites in the following flavors: Blueberry Almond Quinoa and Dark Chocolate Pistachio!
I LOVE Special K cereal (Chocolatey Delight is my go to when I have a sweet tooth craving) but I can't believe they make these snacks that are also so tasty. Plus, thanks to the real, visible ingredients like quinoa, pistachios, almonds and dark chocolate they're really filling too.
I don't care if you have 8 full time jobs and 6 blogs, a house full of kids or a house full of puppies (invite me over, please??) we are all, simply put, BUSY. Mornings should be easy, they set the entire pace of your day. For more information about Special K’s new Nourish and Protein Snack Bites, or new Snack Bar varieties, visit Special K's website and follow @SpecialKUS on Facebook and Twitter.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Kellogg’s Special K.