The Webb/Batman household had a great weekend folks, a very great weekend. Periodically, I feel I should probably clarify why I call my boyfriend CB for anyone who is new to VTIM. In a nutshell: I call my boyfriend CB -- short for Chalupa Batman, a name from the show the league -- because he doesn't want his name/picture on the blog. Thus, Chalupa Batman was created.
Like I was saying, the Webb/Batman household likes all of the same teams, with the single exception of college football. There's no rivalry, or house divided. Our teams have very little competition, other than the argument over who is the real UT. With that said, I'll cheer for his team and he'll cheer for mine. If we're being honest here though, I think CB is starting to become a bigger Tennessee fan... just saying, if we're being honest.
So Saturday, both of our teams had huge upsets over their rivals, with Texas beating Oklahoma and Tennessee beating Georgia. It's been a long time since we've both had reasons to be that happy on a Saturday in the fall. A very long time. I actually wouldn't allow myself to cheer at the end. I was still worried, even while the Vols were celebrating on the field, that something could still go wrong. Tis the life of a Tennessee fan.
Then Sunday of course was COWBOYS day. They came over at 11:30 to film a few things that didn't come out properly last week, and take some shots of me getting ready at our house.
Our tickets were standing room only, but we also had access to the Draft Kings Fantasy Lounge. We didn't exactly know what or where the Draft Kings Lounge was, nor did anyone who worked at AT&T stadium. We asked several people how to get there, but since it was new for the 2015 season, no one knew where it was located. When we finally found it, the smile that plastered across my face was gigantic.
The Draft Kings Lounge was field level, behind the Patriots bench. It was amazing. It wasn't very crowded at all, and you even had access to your own bar. Your wait time for an ice cold beer was only a few minutes. I'm spoiled now, I don't know how I'll ever go back to those 400 level seats my wallet forces me to buy!
Most of our filming was finished after halftime, so a couple of guys who were headed out left CB and me their press pass. The crew that was left was then able to get video during the second half, and post game.
As it turned out, the press pass allowed us to visit the lounge located on the Cowboys side too. One of the guys from the film crew got some shots by the Cowboys' bench. It was just too amazing.
Most of our filming was finished after halftime, so a couple of guys who were headed out left CB and me their press pass. The crew that was left was then able to get video during the second half, and post game.
As it turned out, the press pass allowed us to visit the lounge located on the Cowboys side too. One of the guys from the film crew got some shots by the Cowboys' bench. It was just too amazing.
Looking back on this, I was such a nerd. SUCH AN EXCITED NERD.

You are just the coolest. That is all. PS. Tell CB I said YAY GO TEXAS!
ReplyDeleteThis is the best thing ever. I can just picture you in every moment. win or lose this is the coolest.
ReplyDeleteWhile I am happy that my Patrtiots beat Dallas, I'm also happy you got to experience such a cool view of the game. I've had a few cool concert experiences like this and its hard to go back to being used to the poor man's view.
ReplyDeleteThat's so awesome! Maybe I can catch the eye of the Patriots crew and get down on the field lol. Actually Pats players are always out and about in town so I've seen a few. Remember when Tebow was here for like a second? Yup totally saw him at the movie theater once lol
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! So fun! And girl, I feel you on the Vols winning. I skipped the 4th quarter and most of the 3rd to go to a movie because - Tennessee - and when I checked the score I was like "no. That's not right. It can't be right." It was a solid solid day.
ReplyDeleteThis is just TOO COOL. I got some happy tears in my eyes for you...what an awesome day! Go girl!
ReplyDeleteThis is soo cooool - sorry your team lost - not really - go pats! =)
ReplyDeleteThis has got to be one of the coolest experiences ever! I'm so excited that they picked you and I can't wait to see the final film. And way to go Tennessee! I can't say way to go Texas though because that goes against every fiber of my Aggie being :)
ReplyDeleteYou are awesome :) Can't think of a more deserving fan!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool experience!
ReplyDeleteThat looks awesome, great pictures too! I also agree with you about everyone having a blog - blogging is truly amazing!
ReplyDeleteTHIS is entirely too cool good for you girlfriend!
ReplyDeleteI have a nerdy story too. Several years ago I got tickets to DCI Nationals. (Its Marching Band on steroids) They have Nationals at Lucas Oil Stadium. One of the benefits of dating a band director was my ticket allowed me to walk through the tunnel they Colts walked through and be on the field before the competition. I was literally touching the wall as I walked out the tunnel and onto the field. Just in case Peyton had touched the walls.
ReplyDeleteThis is so awesome!!! Good for you!!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you fangirled your hardest and truly let your excitement out for this! It was such an awesome experience and that was the only way it should be done!
ReplyDeleteSuch an amazing experience! I can't even imagine what it feels like to be on your teams field. Let alone sit where your favorite player may or may not have sat haha. Can't wait to see/read more about your Cowboy fan adventures!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing experience! You should post the game day ritual you submitted that won!
ReplyDeleteOh my word. So much jealousy, but also happiness for you! I want to see the video they make!
ReplyDeleteWow!! Super duper cool, coming from a super duper nerdy fan girl! So happy (and totally jealous)!
ReplyDeleteYou are just the damn coolest. I watched your snaps and loved every second. Also, I love the Webb/Batman name.
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