I've always said I prefer tickets over flowers, but this shirt takes it to another level!
My friend, and fellow #VFL (short for Vol For Life - Without the Possibility of Parole) Meredith started this new line of gameday tees for ladies at the beginning of this season and I'm so pumped to introduce them to you today. There are tons of options, even if you're not a Vol fan. If you are a Vol fan though (hooray, go you, I like you) welcome to your new favorite Etsy shop.
I'm always so impressed by my friends who have an idea, and bring it to fruition. That is just what Meredith did with Gameday Darling. She's all over the Knoxville area and I'm hoping you guys will check out her stuff, it is really cute! She is also on Facebook and Instagram, be sure to tag @gamedaydarling on insta to be featured!
On another, but highly related note, Meredith is also a big Cubs fan......
Now, I realize that game one of the world series came and went and I didn't even touch on it on the blog. Perhaps I'm just bitter, because I feel like my Rangers got the major short end of the stick by being forced to play their first two games smack dab in the middle of the work day. Or maybe I'm bitter because they haven't refunded us for the four ALCS game one tickets we bought yet. Yeah, if we could get that 4-hundo back that be greeaaaaaaaaaat.
On another, but highly related note, Meredith is also a big Cubs fan......
Now, I realize that game one of the world series came and went and I didn't even touch on it on the blog. Perhaps I'm just bitter, because I feel like my Rangers got the major short end of the stick by being forced to play their first two games smack dab in the middle of the work day. Or maybe I'm bitter because they haven't refunded us for the four ALCS game one tickets we bought yet. Yeah, if we could get that 4-hundo back that be greeaaaaaaaaaat.
Or maybe I'm not bitter at all and I'm going all in on the CUBS. You see, I went to Wrigley once and fell in love so much that I changed OUT of an Atlanta Braves shirt and IN TO a Cubs shirt. Full post on that HERE. Go ahead and shake your head at me - if you're shaking your head, you've probably never been to Wrigley. It's magical. It's magical and cursed.
I thought I'd dig up a couple of graphics from the archives, just as a reminder for those who are not aware of the Cubs curse:
I thought I'd dig up a couple of graphics from the archives, just as a reminder for those who are not aware of the Cubs curse:

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