Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

31 May 2017

Hey Dad!

Hey Dad! 

Another year has come and gone since you passed away. Friday marks 11 years since I saw you last. That was a really terrible day, as were the weeks that followed. I don't cry that much anymore, but I just teared up typing that out, thinking about June 2, 2006. 

I do my best not to focus on that day! That day was lame, we had better ones. I remember you coming to sit in my section at Firebirds once a week and tipping me 120% every time. In your defense though, Firebirds is the best restaurant ever and I'd eat there once a week too. Also, your server was exceptional and certainly warranted a 120% tip. 

This is my third year in a row writing to you on this day. Well, I'm a couple days early this year because I have a sponsored post due Friday. I know you want me to earn that cash money, so I'm sure you don't mind me writing to you a day or two early! 

I'm flying to BOSTON on Friday to see my girlfriends. I've never been but don't you worry, I'll be on the lookout for Larry Bird. I know he is your favorite of all time. 

Speaking of favorites.... Tiger, what is happening with your boy??? Drew thinks he was in an ambien coma, he says people do crazy stuff when that medicine hits them wrong. Did you see Sergio a few weeks ago?? MY FAV finally won a major! And the Masters no less. I was so happy for him! 

I thought I had a lot to report in 2016, but man has 2017 been great so far. 

DREW asked me to MARRY HIM! Did you see it? He did it in the most PERFECT way possible... with all of our friends filming - standing in front of a mural in Deep Ellum. 

I get to call him Drew AND put his pic (sparingly, of course) on the blog now! 
I still call him CB though, I think using Drew just confuses everyone. 

You'll like this, he asked Mom's permission first! I'm told she gave him an emphatic YES! I was blindsided, I had no idea it was coming. I was starting to think we'd just be boyfriend and girlfriend forever. 

It's funny how dates coincide and weave themselves in and out of your life. What's crazy is that I met Drew 3 years ago this week, on May 30th. What has been a historically tough week for me, now has a happy beginning to it. Drew and Uncle Jim have the same birthday too, July 17th, how crazy is that?!? 

I am so excited to be getting married to Drew. I'd have been fine to go to Vegas and get married by your main squeeze, Elvis. Drew wanted a wedding though. I can respect that. Mom came in town two weeks ago and she bought me the PERFECT dress. I'd give you more details but Drew reads here regularly and I don't want him to know anything about it! 

You know I gotta bring it up even though I'm bitter about it, but, the Vols broke my heart this year. Butch Jones let me down. What the heck happened? We were supposed to be great, but we didn't even beat VANDY. We did beat Kentucky though, and broke the FLORIDA streak!! AND, did you see the HAIL MARY against Georgia - OMG, I AM STILL celebrating that one!

I also got to visit your old stomping grounds, Texas A&M, to see Tennessee play. Don't worry, I represented Rocky Top like a pro. DUH. Oh, and I've fully converted Drew to a Tennessee fan, just like I did you. YOU. TWO. ARE. WELCOME. 

Speaking of dates weaving together, guess what I started on June 2, 2016, the EXACT day I wrote you last!??! Dallas Love List!! I know you like hearing the numbers, would you believe I managed to grow it from 0-16,200 in just one year? I love this blog, but man is that account fun to run. We've been to so many events this past year, they all seem to be unlimited food and wine and we get to go FOR FREE!! How cool is that?? I got to take Mom to a fancy dinner when she was here a couple of weeks ago, and it didn't cost anyone a dime. Not bad, right? 

Life is good over here. 

WAIT - speaking again of dates weaving together....  
I almost forgot the best part. Drew and I set a wedding date.
You ready for it......

MARCH 3rd!! 
Yours and mom's wedding anniversary. That is really special to me that Drew and I will be able to share that date with y'all. I guess that just means I don't have to learn any new garage codes. LOLS! 

So yeah, things are great over here. The blog is doing great, Dallas Love List is a blast and Tohatsu is doing great too! I'm working every second of every day, just like you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope you're able to see the big things I'm trying to accomplish over here, I want it all. 

Saving the best news for last: I BEAT DREW IN GOLF A COUPLE OF MONTHS AGO. 
Drop the mic. 

On that note, I'm going to sign off. 
I love you and miss you so much. 


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