Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

25 May 2017

Surviving A Texan Summer - No Sweat!

This post is sponsored by RaceTrac but all thoughts and opinions are my own!

I cannot believe how spoiled we've been in Dallas in 2017 so far. The winter was mild, and so far, the Spring has been super pleasant. Last weekend it was 75 degrees with a lovely breeze -- IN MAY! I couldn't believe it! 

Sweltering Summer and triple digit temps are coming though. Summer in Texas makes me wonder why I decided to come to Dallas in the first place. Ok, not really, but you I can't function outdoors. I pretty much give up on my appearance - ditching any kind of face makeup and the hair goes straight into a curly pony tail. Don't even think about asking me to put on a pair of jeans. They feel more like leg torture chambers. I feel claustraphobic in about 10 seconds and I turn into Miranda from that episode of Sex and the City when she tries on tacky wedding dresses as a joke. GET IT OFF ME GET IT OFF ME!!! 

It is just SOOO HOT! The (melting) icing on the cake is that everyone reminds you how hot it is every two seconds. Full conversations are rarely had outside in Texas in the Summer, everyone just resorts to pointing out the heat over and over. 

"It's hot" 
"Wow, it's so hot out here"
"I'm melting" 

No kidding, NANCY, it's Texas in July, what do you expect?? 
I digress. 

Maybe when I reach the 10 year Texan resident mark, I'll be able to hang with the rest of the Texans, but for now I just totally give up from mid-June through the end of September. Shoutout to the Ford dealer who convinced me I needed a remote start car if I wanted leather seats. YOU DA REAL MVP.

With triple digits looming, it's perfect timing that I kick off my season long partnership with RaceTrac!

Let me fill you in a little bit about their Summer promotion called Sodapalooza, which only comes around once per year. Starting May 3, head over to any RaceTrac to purchase a 2017 Sodapalooza cup. The limited-time-only cups are available at any RaceTrac location for just $11.99 and get you FREE refills of fountain and frozen beverages through July 31. Plus, when you download the RaceTrac Rewards app on any iOS or Android phone, you get an extra $2 off!

Here's the thing though, the cups are starting to sell out already. I got mine from the RaceTrac right off 635 in Irving and they still had some left. You'll see them at a stand near the register, like this one.

Your cups also come filled with coupons valued over $60. My cup had a coupon to the Dallas Zoo which I'm super pumped about! Anytime I go to the Zoo I beeline straight to the Giraffe section where you can actually FEED THEM!!! I die every time.

For more information on Sodapalooza and other RaceTrac initiatives, follow RaceTrac on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and visit to become a RaceTrac Insider and get Sodapalooza news straight to your inbox, as well as giveaways and coupons throughout the year. 

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