Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

18 May 2017

Howdy, I'm Sarah || Get To Know Me Better

I almost never do "get to know you" posts which is pretty dumb because I'm fairly certain you guys all haven't been following along with me since I started blogging in February of 2013. That was a long dang time ago! 

Let's get some basics out of the way. 

Who is CB and why do you call him CB? 
Drew, my fiancĂ©, is better known on this blog as CB - short for Chalupa Batman. If you watch the show the league, you'll know where I came up with that very random nickname. 

When we first started dating (it'll be 3 years on the 30th of this month) he was pretty apprehensive about appearing on my blog. He had never really heard of a blog and didn't know what topics were even discussed on this blog. 

He owns his own business, and didn't want his employees being able to track his social life down online. The man doesn't have facebook/instagram/any kind of online presence. 

I can respect that.

Well, that was until he began reading my blog and telling every last employee he had about the blog and how they should be reading - yada yada yada. I'm pretty sure some of his employees might even call him CB now. 

The day he proposed to me, he had all of our friends there videoing and photographing the entire thing. After the shock wore off that we were FINALLY engaged, I yell, "WAIT - what am I even supposed to do with all these photos and all this video that was recorded?" 

He then said I could post it and I lost my shit. I think I screamed louder for that news than I did when I realized he was getting down on one knee.

Engaged and I could post his picture, I felt like I was on cloud nine! 

What about before CB, tell us about that...
I moved to Dallas in 2012 and didn't know a single person here. I moved for a job opportunity, the same current position I have today doing Marketing and Advertising for Tohatsu Outboards. I was very open about how hard it is to make friends in a new city. You can catch yourselves up on those posts here. There are a lot of them.

Thank god for blogging because that's where I met this chick you probably know all about, Helene. Helene had been blogging for, I don't know, maybe six months when I started. She already had a following and I found her blog pretty easily. I not so subtly nagged her to go get drinks with me when I found out she was in Dallas. We hit it off from the very first meeting. There was no awkward convo lull, it was so easy. She was my saving grace here in Dallas. 

Now, this was back in the vintage days of blogging. It is NOTHING like it used to be. That's another post for another day though. 

Didn't you start another blog? What's the deal with that?
I started Dallas Love List - a guide to Dallas' best murals, food, drink and events -  for two reasons. 

1. I saw a need for a Dallas based account that had a lifestyle blogger's touch on it. Us lifestyle bloggers know the tricks to creating a BRIGHT, COLORFUL, COHESIVE feed that catches the eye. We also know how to use hashtags and how to grow a following. Although there were lots of amazing foodie accounts dedicated to Dallas, I didn't see many all-encompassing Dallas accounts. So I made one. 

2. I wanted to go to events for free and I didn't want to have to share those events here on VTIM because why on earth would you guys care about Dallas based events? Y'all are scattered all over the country, and it didn't make sense to do Dallas-based event recaps on here. 

Hey, I'm honest over here. Also, it was the best decision I've ever made. I freaking love operating Dallas Love List. 

This took me a lot of background to get into what I really want to talk about today...
Last night I guest hosted a "Dallas Newcomer Happy Hour" with my fav mag ever, D Magazine.

I was mingling, getting to know the Dallas newbies. I was obviously the perfect person to attend because I know how hard it is to crack this city. It took me a solid two years. 

I asked several girls how they heard about the event. I heard so many people say, "I follow this account called Dallas Love List!


If that wasn't the coolest thing ever,  I don't know what is. If I can help anyone feel more comfortable as a newbie here in Dallas, then I've done a great job operating that account. 

That also helped me realize that there is absolutely a need for a brunch club for Dallas newbies. That'll be my next project -- as if I don't have enough going on. What's one more thing right? 

So yeah, that's my Dallas life in a nutshell. A nutshell with an awesome skyline that never gets old. 

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