On the bright side, CB and I finally have a plan for what we'd like to do to the living room. We got a new, almost chambray colored couch cover that isn't (yet) dog stained, and finally got a cabinet to go under the TV that looks perfect. Now we're on the hunt for two matching arm chairs, but are only looking to spend around $200 per chair max. Hey, these aren't our forever chairs, these are our "I'm 29 years old and need seating for when our friends come over to watch Football" chairs. At the moment, I'm leaning toward these recliners from Joss and Main. The reviews are excellent and the price point is spot on.
Example of decor I love...
Anyway though, so we're planning on spending the day shopping and our first stop is my favorite vintage shop here in Dallas, Lula B's. The way Lula B's works, like most vintage shops, there are many individual booths that vendors can sell from. We're walking past one lady's booth and she full on sprints at me, insisting that I come in her booth and look at the dresses she has for sale.
I'm no good at telling people no, so I follow her in. I essentially just pitter patter around touching dresses for as long as I can stand it, and then I wave at her and thank her and slink out of her booth space.
She follows me.
"What are you shopping for today?!?!" she asks me.
"Oh, mostly just furniture." I tell her, thinking she'll leave me alone now since her booth was all just clothing.
"What kind of furniture? What is your style?" she asks.
"I'm really just browsing. I don't really know what my style is." I tell her
"You need a style. You have to start with a style. At least you have a color scheme, right?" she continues to grill me.
"Oh, um, I'm just really slow at decorating. I'm not sure what I want. " I tell her.
"What colors do you have in there now?" she asks. This lady is ANNOYING AF. I understand she is trying to help me but I am a quiet shopper. I'm a slow shopper. I'm usually a solo shopper, and I have my own way of doing things.
I'm what I call a Forever 21 shopper, I want to touch and look at literally everything on the rack, even if there are a billion items on said rack, I'll look and touch each one. This is tedious to many people, but it's my style and a big reason I'm always down to shop alone, in peace.
"Well I pretty much just have a chambray colored, light blue couch." I told her, simultaneously thinking of an exit strategy.
She then proceeded to peg my style as BEACHY SHABBY CHIC FRENCH COUNTRY meets bamboo furniture. I have zero idea how we got to that style, but she then proceeded to escort me all around this giant store showing me all of the bamboo pieces that each booth had to offer.
I kid you not, this lady treated me as her pet project and built me an all bamboo home littered with baby blue and beach shells sprinkled with sand.
I hate bamboo unless a panda is holding it. French Country is not my style, and beachy is most certainly not my style.
Why must I have a defined style?
Why can't my style be, "However much crap can I buy from Ikea for under $500"?
Why do I have to have a specific color?
As I see it, it's our house. If CB likes it, and I like it, and we walk in and it puts a smile on our face, who cares if it's a total hodgepodge of styles and colors? I don't exactly have The Every Girl knocking down my door to photograph my, "Chic Dallas Bungalow".
So who cares?!?!!
Perhaps she owns stock in bamboo and I'm missing the whole point of her style aggression.
P.S. What style is that in my photo up there? That's my style, so what's it called for the next time this lady tries to maul me at Lula B's?

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