I feel so damn helpless over here right now. I don't know what I should be doing but I feel like I should be doing SOMETHING.
By Monday morning, she was back to her crazy, high energy Jack Russell self. I went to work and didn't think much of it. When I came home I gave her an extra half a cup of food thinking she must be starving. I was thinking I was helping, but it turns out I was being the worst dog mom ever and she got sick all over again.
Sick in the bed. Then sick again everywhere Tuesday morning. I went home and checked on her on my lunch break though and she was totally normal all over again. I then took all the blame and realized I stuffed her full of too much food. Again, I didn't go to the vet yet.
Tuesday night and into Wednesday, no problems. I get home from work last night though and she doesn't greet me at the door. This has literally NEVER happened. She was hiding under the couch, shaking and seemingly terrified. I realized she had thrown up just outside the bedroom door and I told CB we were going to the Emergency Vet.
At this point, I feel like the biggest failure as a mother. I should've had her there on Monday morning.
About $300 later, we left the vet without really getting ANY kind of information. They did x-rays, but all they could see was poop (sorry, I could've gone with "feces" but I'll just say it in Layman's terms here) backup all through her. The vet had no clue if she had an obstruction, and presented us with three options.
I'm so incredibly thankful CB was there and he took charge asking the questions as all I could do was fight back tears. I hate it when a vet gives me options. I feel like I'm playing Russian Roulette, what if I make the wrong choice? I went with the option of anti-nausea medicine and an enema. The vet said if she throws up again, she needs to be rushed back in. She also told me Veenie would have a rough and very messy night.
I wrapped her up in puppy training pads, making as much of a diaper as possible and she slept in a crate rather than under the covers in bed with us. I set an alarm for every few hours to check on her.
Nothing. No vomiting, no poop AT ALL.
I walked her this morning, still nothing. So now I'm even more confused than when we started.
I've got her back at her normal vet this morning where she'll stay for the day. Sorry for all of the information, but I knew it would help to write all this down.
I'm now just waiting.
Waiting, stressed out and helpless while someone else has my little girl.
This totally sucks. Everyone say a little prayer for Veenie for me, ok? At the very least, pray that they figure out what is wrong, and not just stumble on more inconclusive tests.

Poor little puppy! Dogs are so hard to read when they are sick, I tell our lab all the time to "use your words! I can't help you when you if you don't use your words!"
ReplyDeleteKeep us updated!!
UGHHHH i am so sorry. my heart hurts for you as a dog momma. Please keep us posted. I have been through it so much where i wait to take them to the vet and other times i take them too soon and it's nothing. You did the right thing though. PLEASE keep us posted!
ReplyDeleteWe had the same thing happen to our english bulldog. It was a two day cycle that kept repeating itself for almost a month. Eat a ton, throw up everywhere, weak and shaky for a day, repeat. We were back and forth from the vet all the time! We decided not to do exploratory surgery and did an ultrasound. It showed nothing except a little chicken she had that morning. They put her on steroids and medicine for IBS for dogs. The next day she pooped out two squeakers from toys. She did have a blockage! The steroids relaxed her just enough for everything to pass. Sorry for the TMI. I would recommend something a little more natural before resorting to drastic measures. We were ready to pay anything they wanted to fix her right then and there but took a step back first. Your situation sounds so similar to what we had! I just had to let you know that it all worked out and she's been find ever since (minus ever getting to play with toys with squeakers EVER AGAIN!) :)
ReplyDeleteMolly, thank you!! This sounds incredibly similar. Veenie hasn't been known to eat things she shouldn't, but I cannot in any way say that with confidence right now since I didn't see what she was possibly getting into at the pet sitters. The Vet of course threw out the word Surgery and the number $4000 yesterday. We aren't there yet since they couldn't see anything in the xray. I wonder if an ultrasound would work like you had? Either way, you're right this sounds incredibly similar. You've calmed me down more than you know right now. I hate that feeling like something horrific will happen if I don't make a decision RIGHT AWAY, ya know?
Deleteohmygosh I'm so sorry this is happening!! We went through something similar with our dog and it was unbelievably miserable. Thoughts are with you today! Give us updates when you can.
ReplyDeleteI will for sure update you guys :) Thank you, kendra!! I hope your pup is ok now?
DeleteYes sorry! I should have ended with that to ease your mind. She had to have fluids injected a few times and she had diarrhea for like 5 days and wasn't eating. They were concerned about an obstruction as well, but like Veenie they couldn't see anything on an x-ray except some gas. They too talked about exploratory surgery to the tune of $2-4k. They gave us some special food and pills to make her go to the bathroom and she pulled herself out of it. Like you I'm sure, our dog is our kid so it was rough with lots of tears but she's perfectly fine now :) Wishing you guys a great outcome here.
DeleteOh, I'm so sorry :( Having a sick pet is the worst! Our pup has been sick one time, and Dave and I were both miserable (though not as miserable as she was). She's lucky to have loving parents to comfort her until she gets better :)
ReplyDeleteErin- that sounds similar to Veenie, she rarely gets sick. She's my bullet proof dog, so it makes it so much scarier when something does happen! Thank you for the kind words :)
DeleteGirl, I hear ya but you are not a horrible mom!!! You are doing all the right things and you are passionately, lovingly trying to help your baby. THAT is being a good mom. The hardest part of a dog being sick is not being able to ask them where it hurts or what happened. Hang in there. Give your pups lots of love and thank CB for being the man you deserve :)
ReplyDeleteOh, Sarah! I'm sorry you and Veenie are going through this right now. I'm sure she'll be okay and they'll figure out what's wrong.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, Sarah! I hope they figure everything out and help your sweet girl. I hate when Bodie even poops weird, so I can't imagine how stressful this is for all of you.
ReplyDeleteYou did the right thing taking her to the vet, please try not to beat yourself up. Dogs can be so fickle sometimes and it's SO painful to watch them suffer and not be able to communicate. You know your baby girl the best, and I hope that the vet figures out her issue. Poor thing. I'll be thinking of you both!! oxox
ReplyDeleteI wish I had some kind of answer. I think it's just so incredibly frustrating when we just don't KNOW what's going on. That's honestly the worst part. I'm thinking of y'all, especially Veenie today.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry. I hate having to make those kinds of decisions for our pets. I hope y'all figure out what's going on with her and it gets resolved ASAP!!
ReplyDeletePoor thing-you and the pup! Praying for both of you and that you get some answers by the end of the day!
ReplyDeleteKeep us all updated!
ReplyDeleteDon't feel like a bad dog mom. Believe me, I've been there. It sucks but it could be a lot worse.
I without a doubt will!! Thanks girlfriend!!
DeleteThinking of you girl! Hoping they find answers soon and that your little girl is back home and feeling better ASAP! Let us know what they find out!
ReplyDeleteThinking and praying for you and V. Hope they get to the bottom of this very soon. It's so nerve-wracking when things happen to your dogs and they can't tell you what's wrong!
ReplyDeleteIt really is though. I found myself just pacing back and forth this morning. I'm trying to stay busy at work instead :) Thanks for the prayers :)
DeleteYou're not a bad mom. Just doing the best you can do. It is so hard to know if they just got sick or something more serious that requires vet. I have been in same situation with Ryder and Arya several times. I called Jeremy at fire station panicking when Arya just kept jumping on things hours after she was spayed. I just knew she was going to pull a stitch. Glad CB was with you. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying for you guys.
ReplyDeleteSending you good thoughts for your beloved V. *hugs*
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!! :)
DeleteThat sounds awful! It's so hard when a pet is sick because you want to do everything you possibly can to help them but you don't know how. Waiting is the worst too because it's impossible to do anything but think of worst case scenarios. Try to keep your mind busy, and let me know how it goes!
ReplyDeleteYES!! The mind busy is such a good tip, I've been trying to keep my nose in the computer key board all day!! Thank you friend!
DeleteAh, this stuff is the absolute worst! I have so much trouble when they can't figure out what's wrong with Oliver, I just want to cry because they can't express what's wrong and I can't fix it. Ugh, horrible. Sending good vibes!
ReplyDeleteI know, it is the absolute worst feeling in the world right?!!? Ugh, thanks for the good vibes my friend :)
DeleteOHHH! Poor baby!!! And that's the worst feeling, a sick pup :( hope everyone is all better soon!
ReplyDeleteThinking of you and Veenie, Sarah! Hope y'all find out what's wrong as soon as possible!
ReplyDeleteSending you SOOOO many hugs and thinking happy thoughts for Veenie! I've got through so many illnesses with my pups, and as a pup mama, you can only do the best you can!
ReplyDeleteSending good vibes Veenie's way! It's so hard to know what's wrong, and so hard to help. My beloved beag had a cyst on her leg this summer--the vet confidently told us it had been properly drained and weeks later we went away for a long weekend, leaving her with friends. We got a phone call on the second day saying the cyst had ruptured again and the emergency vet recommended removing it immediately. She needed anesthetic and woke up in a strange place with a piece cut out of her thigh and wearing a cone. :( Our friends were so fantastic to her, but I felt SO. MUCH. GUILT. for not having it removed in the first place, and then not being there with her for immediate recovery (we came home the very next day and she was still doped up). Remember you can only make decisions based on the knowledge you have at hand... which right now isn't much. :( Thinking of you and your baby girl and hoping answers come soon.
ReplyDeleteNono no no!! I am so sorry about poor little Veenie!! Please keep us updated :(
ReplyDeleteI'm sending lots of love and good thoughts your way. Lola went through something kind of similar that ended up being pancreatitis. I hope she gets back to her normal self really soon.
ReplyDeletePoor Veenie! Keeping her and you in my thoughts. It's so hard when your pets get sick, you feel so useless :-[ Hoping for a speedy recovery!
ReplyDeleteVeenie, baby! This is breaking my dog-loving heart :( I wish I could be there with you to give you a huge hug and wait things out. Please keep us updated! Sending you lots of love!! XOXO
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry girl! Praying for answers and comfort for you and her both! Keep being strong!
ReplyDeleteAww I'm so sorry to hear! Hopefully she'll be okay! I know how hard it is to wait for answers. I'm sure she'll be totally fine. Just keep on smiling :)
ReplyDeleteI'm really sorry to hear this. Have you heard anything yet?
ReplyDeletePraying for your baby! I know as a pet mama how hard it can be to worry about your little buddy 💕
ReplyDeleteHugs to you my friend, as I would be feeling the same for ours too... Hopefully the vet can get a better look at what is going on and Veenie is back to her normal self soon!!
ReplyDeleteWaiting is the WORST and I hope you get some answers soon! Hugs to you and prayers for Veenie!
ReplyDeletePrayers for you and your sweet baby <3
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear this Sarah! I hope you get some answers soon!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! I am definitely praying. So scary!
ReplyDeletesending a ton of prayers, nothing worse then when your fur baby doesn't greet you at the door, scariest feeling ever. Hugs and prayers
ReplyDeleteHope you get some sort of resolution and that Veenie is feeling better shortly! It's always the worst when the vets can't give you any information...
ReplyDeleteSO CUUUTE
ReplyDeleteI really am so sorry Sarah!! That is so scary!