That's right folks. The NFL starts tomorrow. Needless to say, Tony Romo Fan Club (yes that is my fantasy team name and no, I wasn't able to part with it this year) is READY TO PLAY! Here is who I drafted:
Starting QB is Tony Romo (DUH!) and backup is Carson Palmer from the Bengals.

1. Ochocinco (Bengals)- I just couldn't resist. I love reality t.v., and so does he, clearly. Does anyone else watch the ultimate catch? Well, I do, and the T.O. show too. So, I did a little research and it appears the girl he chose, Rubi, is not really his ultimate catch. Sad face, because I really enjoyed Rubi and she seemed really sweet. Well, Ochocinco's new catch is basketball wives star Evelyn Lozada, according to Twitter rumors. But seriously, let's be real, the bromance between T.O. and Ochocinco makes it painfully obvious these two lovebirds are meant for each other!

2. Calvin Johnson (Detroit Lions)- Nicknamed "Megatron" Now, I write a blog about sports for girly girls. I had to do a little research on what Megatron meant. Lucky for me, Mr. Venus Trapped In Mars has an obsession with all things comic books. According to Mr. Venus, Megatron is a transformers character, the leader of the decepticons?!?!?!!, who is just a beast, like 30 feet tall, and a bad guy. Calvin is a very unique size for a WR, 6 feet, and uber fast (arguably fastest in league) with huge hands. It is near impossible to guard him 1 on 1. Good for Tony Romo Fan Club, bad for the other team's defense!

3. Robert Meachem (New Orleans Saints)- Yay! He plays tomorrow, I know who I will be rooting for! Alumni from the University of Tennessee. Meachem is a contestant on NBC's minute to win it (airing last night and tonight in the special NFL themed edition). He is playing for his favorite charity Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater New Orleans!

1. Maurice Jones-Drew (Jacksonville Jaguars): So I was blessed with the 3rd pick of the draft and he is who I picked. I'm excited to have picked someone so high, I just hope he doesn't get hurt or choke or fall in love with Kim Kardashian or something like that to mess his game up.

2. Jonathan Stewart (Carolina Panthers): So, I had this guy last year and he has some HUGE games for me. But for every big game he had, there were equal amounts of utter torture he put me through. Has the potential, but he shares the RB position with DeAngelo Williams (one of the best in the league).
3. Jahvid Best (Detroit Lions): Looking back, I kinda regret having two players from the Lions. They are pretty lousy. Well, this guy is a rookie this year with a lot to prove, so I'm hoping he doesn't shut detroit down!
Kicker: Sebastian Janikowski. Jan-ah-ka-WHO-ski? Yeah, that is what I said too, kicker for Oakland. On the plus side all 27 of Oakland's points from last year's season were scored from him! :) haha jk lol, but not really...
D-Fence! San Fran Baby!! Not to play on the sexual stereotype of San Francisco as a whole, but the San Fran defense loves to surprise the hot, sweaty, tight pants wearing meaty boys from behind and forces them all the way down to the ground, hard. I think it is their desire for a good pounding that makes them so tough, it is their San Francisco treat! Ok I'm done now capitalizing on that...
Tight End- Vernon Davis (San Fransico)- HAHA San Fran, you just make it too easy on me! Yes I drafted the San Fran tight end, hardy har har!
So that is my starting lineup. Here is the bad part about fantasy, I have a hard time rooting for a team. I just want that ONE player to catch every pass, run every ball and throw every play! Well, I guess what they say is right, there is no I in team, but there is a ME!
Can't wait for Thirsty Thursday tomorrow when the New Orleans' Meachems crush the Vikings!
Happy Fantasizing Venus Lovers!
Images Courtesy of from top to bottom:
I'm upset that Rubi and Ocho aren't together any more. I have a sad face now too. :(