Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

08 May 2018

Veenie Takeover For Heartworm Awareness Month

Hey friends, it's Veenie here with you today. My mom was in Austin for Austin Food and Wine festival, so I thought I'd come on and say hullo to da hoomans, and do a little CATchup post! Get it, CATchup? Cuz I is a DOGGO. Ok, I won't bore you with cat puns today, I aPAWlogize.

So, let's see, what's new in muh life? Well I got a new collar (see, in the pic? it's so purdy) and I've continued my successful streak of defending the house against the mailman and the dood who pushes the cart of tamales and doritos around the neighborhood. Currently, I'm 3423883894 and 0. Really not sure what my hoomans would do without me. They. Are. Welcome.

Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, muh parents got married!! About doggone time right? They went on a honeymoon and didn't take me, nor did they take my brodder. Rude. I laid a kiss attack on them when they got home though. I was going to play coy, like I didn't care at all that they returned, but what can I say I'm a Jack Russell and just totally lost all control of my body after going a week without seeing muh favorite people. It was like Christmas, but with one less rawhide wrapped up in a bow.

OH, and another new thing! I've learned a new TRICK!! I have always admired my brodder's bark. He's a beagle, and he goes rooooo rooooo rooooooo, so I learned to go ROOO ROOO ROOO, just like him. Mom keeps yelling at me saying, "THAT ISN'T YOUR BARK, stop copying GEE" but I don't care. I think it suits me!

But for reals, doh... since Summer is coming, I wanted to talk to you guys a little about heartworm awareness month! We live on a double lot and have DUH BEST back yard in the neighborhood. It's filled with dirt to dig up, sticks, acorns to eat when mom isn't looking and the occasional neighbor's cat who is dumb enough to sneak over the fence. IMMA GET THAT CAT ONE DAY!

One other thing the yard has is SOOOO MANY FLEAS. Two years ago, Dad was not too pleased when Gee and I tracked fleas into the house. I thought they were my friend, I called one Edwardo and the other Franklin. We told tales of the good ole days and Edwardo would occasionally sing and play Nelly's Hot in HURRRR on the clarinet. It was quite lovely. Dad said they had to leave though, it was sad but in all honesty, Hot in HURR was my least favorite Nelly song so I was ok with it in the end.

In the event that your doggo also hates Hot in HURR by Nelly (or maybe just hates fleas named Edwardo) I figured I'd give you the inside scoop on Vectra® 3D for Dogs! It's a fast and effective monthly topical that kills and repels mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, lice, biting flies and mites (excluding manage mites) before they bite your doggo. It's PAWfect for anyone else with a big back yard, or maybe even if you just like to go to the doggo park from time to time! The doggo park (Mutts in Uptown to be specific) is muh absolute favorite. I like to chase the constructions workers building the high rise across the street - up and down the fence, and bark ferociously so they know not to come mess with muh mama or there will be hell to pay!

I got sidetracked, shiny yellow tennis ball syndrome I guess you could say.
Ok, back to Vectra® 3D which I'm using with my monthly heartworm preventive for a  Double (doggo) Defense against heartworm disease! The Double Defense Heartworm Protocol is using Vectra® 3D to kill and repel mosquitoes on the outside, and using the heartworm preventive my vet prescribed to kill heartworm larvae on the inside!

I know what you're thinking, my momma loves me so much and you want to shower your doggo with that same love and protection. You're also probably thinking, BUT VEENIE WHERE CAN I BUY Vectra® 3D??? I GOTS DUH ANSWER FOR YOU HOOMANS! It is available through your veterinarian. To find a Vectra® 3D vet near you visit HERE!

Your doggo needs to be on heartworm preventative AND Vectra® 3D, but don't just take my word for it, read this website about repelling and killing mosquitoes on the outside of your dog, and killing larvae on the inside! It'll protect us from heart worms better than simply using a heart worm preventive alone!

Ok, hooman friends. I gots to go, I see the tamale guy coming and he looks like he is going to try some funny business today. I can't allow our family's home to be vulnerable to attack because I'm on the interwebs. BYE FRIENDS, talk soon!

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